Meeting Information

The Board meets face-to-face for full Board meetings, throughout the state, once per quarter. The full board meetings include disciplinary cases, application review, rule discussions and other necessary Board actions.

During face-to-face meetings, the General Business meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter. The Board will notice individuals of a required appearance if necessary. Dates and locations are subject to change.

Next Meeting:
Meeting Materials:
September 18, 2024

Probable Cause Panel

Meeting Location:
Telephone Conference Call @ 8:00am EST

Meet Me #:
1(888) 585-9008

Participation Code:

FAR Notice (PDF)

Upcoming Meeting Notices, Agendas & Public Books

Date Meeting Type Materials
October 25, 2024 General Business Meeting FAR Notice (PDF) |
November 13, 2024 Probable Cause Panel Meeting FAR Notice (PDF) |

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