Continuing Education FAQs

Continuing Education

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What is the difference in viewing my course history for free or subscribing to the continuing education tracking system?

With a free Basic Account you can view your basic course history, which will list the course name, educational provider name, date of completion and hours reported. It would then be up to you to determine whether all of the courses that have been reported will complete all of your specific continuing education requirements. You can also self-report any continuing education that may be missing.

A Professional Account (paid subscription) provides you with all of the tracking tools that CE Broker offers. Your transcript will display what your specific CE requirements are and will calculate what requirements have been met and what may still be outstanding. A Professional Account is a subscription service and is not a requirement but it can be a useful tool in managing your Florida continuing education requirements should you chose to subscribe.

How will I know what has been reported?

You will be able to view your course history free of charge. Your course history will show all the courses that have been reported.

Do I have to subscribe to the electronic tracking system?

No, subscriptions remain optional. There are a number of services you can receive by subscribing, however, it is optional. You can always search for courses, report your hours, and view your course history free of charge by creating a Basic Account

Do I have to wait until license renewal to report my continuing education credits to the electronic tracking system?

No, you can report your hours free of charge anytime during the biennium. For more information please visit

Please note, if you take a course from a Florida Board approved Provider they are required to report on your behalf. If you take a course from a National organization it is your responsibility to report completion. There may be other ways for you to obtain credit towards continuing education required for license renewal.

For specific approved methods of obtaining continuing education for your profession please review the Board rules by visiting

What will happen if I do not have the required continuing education for renewal?

Beginning in 2015 you will not be able to renew a license without having your continuing education reported into the continuing education tracking system. If you do not have the hours to report, your license will move to a delinquent status at expiration. In order to renew a delinquent license you will be required to complete the continuing education requirements. Additional fees may apply.

When will this change become effective?

Beginning with licenses expiring May 31, 2013, practitioners will be prompted to report continuing education credits during the renewal process.

Why is continuing education being verified at renewal?

Continuing Education is a requirement to renew a professional license. Section 456.025(7), F.S. requires the Department to implement an electronic continuing education tracking system for each biennial renewal cycle and to integrate such system into the licensure and renewal system.

I am a new licensee. Am I required to obtain 40 hours of continuing education for the first renewal of my license?

No, pursuant to 64B19-13.003(3), F.A.C., passage of the laws and rules examination of the Board constitutes forty (40) hours of continuing education credit, including credit for professional ethics and Florida Statutes and rules affecting the practice of psychology. Passage of the laws and rules examination, however, does not satisfy the requirement for the two (2) credit hours of continuing education on domestic violence required every third biennial licensure renewal period, nor the requirement for two (2) hours relating to prevention of medical errors.

How do I know if the courses I am taking are acceptable by the board?

Contact the provider to verify that they have been approved by the American Psychological Association, Florida Board of Psychology or by any Board within the Division of Medical Quality Assurance of the Department of Health MQA. Only certain courses have been approved for medical errors. You will find a list of approved medical errors courses for psychology through the Department’s contracted continuing education system provider, CEBroker, by following these steps:

  • Enter the following web address in your Internet Browser:
  • Select “Course Search”.
  • Select “Florida Department of Health”.
  • Choose the profession “Psychologists”.
  • Choose “Self-Study” or “Live”.
  • The next page will allow you to narrow down to the subject “Medical Errors”.
  • Once you have your criteria in and click on the search button, the system will produce a -list of approved courses.

*If you need assistance logging into CEBroker, please call-1-877-434-6323